Health tips, Yoga

Yoga seminar „Yoga in daily life”

Peace of mind

Friday and Saturday were all about “Yoga in daily life”. I attended a yoga seminar organized by our teacher. Swami Vivekpuri led us through the practice, but it was not all about practising; he talked about the importance of caring for ourselves. The first day was an introduction to yoga, the proper understanding of it and its positive effects on our physical and mental health. On the second day, we had more practice, and he taught us how to perform some exercises during the working day. A real case of how to help ourselves when feeling back pain at work. Because one cannot lie down and make a posture in an office, he showed us how it is doable sitting on a chair.

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As most people breathe relatively shallow, inadequately filling the lungs, Swami Vivekpurija talked about the importance of proper breathing and its connection with various aspects of our lives. Correct breathing is fundamental for the body’s optimum metabolic function. The Full Yoga Breath becomes habitual and natural breathing with regular practice. Slower and deeper breaths improve circulation, nerve function and physical condition. It also develops a calm, clear mind.

He talked a lot about why we should take a stand for ourselves. That it is not possible to say I want peace when someone is attacking you. The strong ones attack the weak ones because they sense fear, and he uses stories about the tiger and his catch. He was talking about the importance of straightening our spine and shoulders not only for postures but also for the perception of our attitude. We show self-confidence, and in this way, it becomes natural for us, too. Try and see for yourself if it helps.

Yoga exercises should be practised slowly and without unnecessary tension.

We made the Khatu Pranam exercise sequence, dedicated to Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji, a great spiritual leader from which the System “Yoga in daily life” came. Khatu is where this greatly revered Saint lived (on the edge of the Thar Desert in the west of Rajasthan, India).
Khatu Pranam strengthens, stretches and relaxes the whole body’s muscles, promotes spine flexibility and regulates glandular activity. It fortifies the immune system, which in turn increases disease resistance. The nervous system as a whole is balanced and strengthened. A few rounds performed daily help correct poor posture, relieve back pain and digestive problems and reduce stress.

We practised many other asanas but I wanted to mention Kathu Pranam for its connection with the yoga we are practising.

Pranayama is an essential part of practising yoga. Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the breath (Prana means breath, Ayam means to control, to regulate). With each breath, we absorb not only oxygen but also Prana. Prana is cosmic energy, the power in the Universe that creates, preserves and changes. It is the essential element of life and consciousness. Prana is also found in food; therefore, it is crucial to eat healthily.

You can be more fully alive in the present moment

Pranayama must be performed each time we practice Yoga. Physical activity increases blood circulation in the organs and muscles, and breathing cleans our blood, absorbing oxygen and Prana and allowing it to perform its natural detoxification process.

All exercises in Yoga, including the breathing exercises, should be practised slowly and without unnecessary tension. The breath should be silent and through the nose. Over some time and with practice, one tries to gradually slow and lengthen the breath. Only through correct breathing can the full effects of the Yoga exercises totally unfold.

This was my first yoga seminar, and I look forward to attending many more. It gave me the strength to be myself and feel good about myself.

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