Health tips, Yoga

How diet change and Yoga can help with stress management

Eat Right for Blood Type A

To go every week to a regular yoga practice is not so difficult, but for a balanced yoga lifestyle making, mindful choices about everything you put in your body is essential which is why so many yogis are choosing to go gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan.

Proper nutrition is an integral part of stress management. A poor diet can cause you to feel lethargic and tired or even ill. Learn how to practice simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to eliminate anxiety.

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The Grain-Free, Sugar-Free, Dairy-Free Family Cookbook

LCHF was my choice. I started to follow this type of diet after my third childbirth because for the first time in my life I was overweight.  It did help me to lose weight, and at first, I was feeling good. I had energy, my mind was clear, I had no difficulties waking up in the morning.  

LCHF meal

This diet is based on eating in-processed food. Additives, preservatives, hormone and pesticides are hidden in many foods. Food to avoid: sugar and starchy foods (like bread, pasta, rice, beans and potatoes). I was checking packages all the time, buying organic products and cook our own grown vegetables. It was challenging to find grass-fed,hormone-free, free-range and antibiotic-free meats. But I was super light and lost 11 kg. Also explaining all the timethat I do not eat pasta or rice or potatoes was energy consuming but it was worthful. For meatlovers, this kind of diet is excellent, healthy and you eat when you’re hungry until you’re satisfied. It can be that simple. You do not need to count calories or weigh your food. That was perfect for because I was never on a diet I did not want to count calories. I was searching exactly for this kind of diet. And it was working for some time.

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook

Then I started to have bad moods, foggy mind and in general feeling exhausted. That was the time I realised that I never liked meat and in particular red meat, and this diet was based a lot on red meat. Also, that was the start of my health disorder that I found out  2 years later. This is why this type of diet did not work for me anymore.  Then I started to search for a new diet.

Diet change

I was exploring for some time and found the Blood Type Diet and how the work of Dr Peter D’Adamo can unlock the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality, and emotional strength and then everything came in its place.

For this diet knowing your blood type is essential. I am a mother of three, I know my blood type as it is the usual procedure to check during pregnancy.

Eat right for your blood type is their slogan and many people first come to the Blood Type Diet for weight loss, but they stay for far different reasons. Not just for weight loss, the Blood Type Diet can support the health of your body from the inside out. Our overall health is connected to our gut, so bringing that into balance has far-reaching holistic effects.

Vegeterian meal

Diet for my blood type, A, is based on vegetables, whole grain food with some wild-caught fish, some white meat(mostly turkey meat as chicken meat has the lecithin that is not good for blood type A).

 Exploring this type of eating I learned that blood type As have naturally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Immediately  I could see that this is my case and that stress reduction is an essential part of the Blood Type A lifestyle. The advice was incorporating calming exercises, such as yoga or tai-chi, into my routine daily.

I was following the advice on how to eat, I eliminated red meat and felt energised but did not incorporate calming exercises.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Reclaiming Your Health with Nourishing Food

After I turned 40, I started to feel all kinds of discomfort. I could not tell that I am ill, but I was not feeling good.

After a medical check-up, I found out I had an autoimmune thyroid disorder.

Change of lifestyle is the only cure. I explored more the work of Dr Peter D’Adamo and how to help myself and during my research, I found a research regarding blood type A individuals, and they found that we tend to over-respond to even minor stress.

Basically what this means is that I, type A, am walking around all the time in high-stress response state.

To reduce stress levels yoga became a part of my life and heart. I am not the everyday yogi, I practice yoga 2 times a week, which is a beautiful addition to my life. It reflects life back to me and redirects my thinking. The wisdom I’d like to share with you is that you do not have to be perfect, or fit anyone’s pattern for what you think your yoga practice should be or do. Everyone must find his or her own way.

Parvatasana – Mountain pose

Through these practices, I am changing. I am able to communicate much better without becoming defensive or attacking. My relationships are mutually nourishing and supportive.

Sometimes I have my moments and yoga did not make suddenly life easy but I make choices that are better in a long way. I am dealing with many injuries, and I am rebuilding myself with yoga and transformational practices and am hugely passionate about sharing what I have learned.

The universe gives us signs. All we have to do is be open to seeing them. When we resist usually it persists –  either we can listen to the gentle suggestions life whispers to us, or we can ignore them, for a while. If it is meant to be, the universe will step in and make it happen.

Are you brand new to yoga? A complete beginner? If so, there’s no better time to begin than right now. There are no prerequisites to this series or class. Just give it a try. You have nothing to lose!

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