Reading and Books

The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner: Mystery, Discovery, and Consequences

“The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner is a novel that explores women’s lives across time, touching on themes of secrets, revenge, and the remarkable ways they can save each other despite the time barrier.
The author explores themes such as empowerment and the consequences of choices. In this blog post, we will delve into “The Lost Apothecary”, a compelling read, exploring its plot that has enchanted readers worldwide.

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“The Lost Apothecary” follows two primary timelines: eighteenth-century London and the present. The story takes place in the hidden depths of eighteenth-century London, where a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells suspicious potions. Nella’s life takes an unexpected turn when a young girl, Eliza Fanning, becomes involved in her operations, leading to unforeseen consequences, pulling a string of consequences that echo through the centuries.
In present-day London, Caroline Parcewell, a woman reeling from the discovery of her husband’s infidelity, embarks on a solo trip to London. She stumbles upon a clue to the apothecary’s existence while mudlarking along the River Thames. Caroline’s discovery sets her on a path to uncovering the secrets of the past, intertwining her fate with Nella and Eliza.

A secret network of women

Empowerment and Feminism

One of the central themes of “The Lost Apothecary” is empowerment, particularly female empowerment. Today, this is still a relatable topic. Women across the world still have to raise their voices for themselves. Nella’s apothecary shop represents a form of rebellion against a patriarchal society. Women come to her seeking justice and control over their lives, often in situations where they are powerless. This secret sisterhood challenges the societal norms of the 18th century, highlighting the resilience and resourcefulness of women.
Caroline’s journey in the present day parallels this theme. She transforms from a woman defined by her marital status to one who seeks her own identity and passions. Her pursuit of the apothecary’s history is about solving a mystery and reclaiming her own narrative.

The Consequences of Choices

The novel also delves into the repercussions of the characters’ choices. Nella’s decision to provide poisons has far-reaching consequences, not only for her clients but also for herself and Eliza. The moral complexities of her actions are explored, questioning the fine line between justice and revenge.
Caroline’s choice to delve into the apothecary’s past is also significant. It represents her breaking free from her past life and taking control of her future. This theme underscores the idea that our good and bad choices shape our destinies.
I’m always intrigued by mysterious women with secret powers. They seem to give me a possible escape from ordinary life.

“My mother had held tight to this principle, instilling in me from an early age the importance of providing a safe haven – a place of healing – females.”

― Sarah Penner, The Lost Apothecary

Mystery and Discovery

The dual timeline narrative drives the plot with a sense of mystery and discovery. Caroline’s investigation into the apothecary’s history unravels secrets that have been buried for centuries. The plot is engaging, as the revelations in one timeline often have implications for the other. The Lost Apothecary is a novel that explores women’s lives across time, touching on themes of secrets, revenge, and the remarkable ways they can save each other despite the time barrier.

The Lost Apothecary

Meet the main characters

The characters in “The Lost Apothecary” are richly developed, each with a distinct voice and journey. Nella is a complex character, haunted by her past and driven by a desire to help other women, even through morally ambiguous means. Her relationship with Eliza adds depth to her character, showing a softer, more vulnerable side.
Eliza, a young girl thrust into a dangerous world, displays remarkable courage and loyalty. Her growth throughout the novel, from innocence to a deeper understanding of the world’s complexities, is poignant and compelling.
Caroline’s character arc is equally engaging. Her transformation from a heartbroken woman to an empowered individual mirrors the struggles and triumphs of women throughout history.

Walk the London streets alongside Nella and Eliza

Sarah Penner’s writing is evocative and immersive. She vividly describes 18th-century London and the present day. Her meticulous attention to historical detail brings the setting to life, making you feel like you are walking the cobblestone streets alongside Nella and Eliza.
The dual timeline narrative is skillfully executed. The seamless transitions between past and present keep you engaged and eager to uncover the next puzzle piece.

Secret sisterhood

“The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner blends historical fiction and mystery. Its plot is suspenseful, and the themes of secrets, revenge, and women’s power to save each other captivated me from beginning to end.
Richly developed characters, evocative writing, and intricate narrative
offer a memorable and thought-provoking reading experience.
Whether you’re a historical fiction or mystery fan or enjoy a good story, The Lost Apothecary is a must-read that will leave you wanting more. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. This post might also contain affiliate links to other sites. And if you purchase anything using these links, I earn a little commission with no extra costs for you. Thank you for supporting my blog!