Reading and Books

Uncovering the Enigmatic Charms of Lucinda Riley’s Seven Sisters Collection – Part Two

Read the Lucinda Reily series and explore the world alongside the seven sisters.

Reading and Books

Your Guide to the Must-Read Nicola May’s Book Serial – A Thrilling Reading Experience

Open the pages of Nicola May's book serial and meet the idyllic world of Cockleberry Bay. You will feel like you know the cast of endearing characters whose lives intertwine with humour, romance, and the quirks of small-town living. This book series is so addictive and incredibly well-written that it has completely gotten under my skin. It's one of my favourite book serials lately.

Reading and Books

Unveiling Liane Moriarty’s Masterpieces in My Reading List

When I discovered Liane Moriarity with the book "Big Little Lies ", I loved it so much that I immediately searched for her other books. I wrote my thoughts and impressions about three of her books: Big Little Lies, The Husband's Secret and The Last Anniversary. I am still trying to decide which one I liked or loved the most.